July 20, 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles (aka "Awesomeness in a Ball")

If you love cookie dough and chocolate, then you just must try this recipe! There are many variations of this dessert, and most of them are very similar, but the one I used can be found here. It is perfect to make in the summer because it's no-bake and they are sooo refreshing when they're frozen/extremely cold! Oh, and it contains no eggs! Just another reason to love this recipe!

We start by creaming together butter and brown sugar. You add some vanilla, flour, sweetened condensed milk and chocolate chips, then voila! Pop it in the fridge and you've got yourself a delicious cookie dough!

To make cookie dough balls, you simply use some type of scooper (melon baller, cookie scoop, spoon, etc.) or your hands to form them into balls. Once the dough starts to warm up, it becomes stickier, so you may have to refrigerate it for a few more minutes, then take it back out and continue forming balls.

A little side note: Make them smaller than they are in the picture. Unless you want gigantic truffles, I think this is good advice!

Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of me smothering them in melted chocolate bark, or the finished product. But basically, you just melt up some chocolate, throw in a truffle, roll it around with a spoon, then place it back on the cookie sheet. The chocolate on my truffles started to harden after a few minutes since my cookie sheet was still cold from being in the refrigerator. Otherwise, just pop them in the fridge after coating them with chocolate, and they'll be ready to eat in minutes!

Oh, and trust the recipe when it says it makes 3-4 dozen...this is true! My truffles were larger than they should have been, and I still made around 45 truffles!

I froze a few of them in a separate container, and brought them out on our boat on the weekend. By lunchtime, they were still a little cold (not melty, thank goodness!) and perfectly delicious! Enjoy!

I've got some news!

You know how I complain about my crappy camera? Right, the Kodak point-and-shoot and my Droid2 camera? Well, I've got some good news! There might just possibly be a slight chance that I will get a fancy shmancy cool new DSLR camera in the near future! Yes, that's right. No more blurry, grainy, weirdly lit photos of..."what is that? Is it supposed to be a cupcake?" So, stay tuned folks! (Or...for now it's just "folk" I guess.)

Here are my top choices right now:
-Nikon D3000
-Nikon D5000
-Nikon D3100

Yep, they're all Nikon. I know. But I've done my research! If anyone out there has some advice, I'd love to hear it! : ) Have a nice day fellow bakers!